Monday, February 28, 2005

Grandpa Jim's Birthday Visit

Grandma Lanna and Grandpa Jim

Grandpa and Grandma came down to visit this weekend to celebrate "Dad's" birthday! Dad turned 59 on Feb 27 and we had a great time just visiting over the weekend. We were sitting around talking about birthday's we remember as being "greatly anticipated" and for Dad his was when he turned 15 - because he couldn't wait to turn 16 to get a license to drive! It's all about perspective we concluded. Lisa has great anticipation for "40" which is few years away - but seems to always be on her mind.... For me - I'm not sure I've got so much concern. The actual "birthday" isn't so significant to me right now - of course I'm only 35 and approaching that "middle age" thing I guess. Is the glass half full or half empty I suppose is what rattles around in my brain. I'm sure my perspective will change with time passing. I can remember a few of my earliest memories probably around 4 or 5 years old. One is of me standing in field of oats on the farm where we grew up - it's summer and I can only barely see over the oats - or maybe it's a memory from a picture I saw once - not really sure. I do remember a few Christmas' on the farm - one in particular when I got a puppy for present - must have been around 4 1/2 years old then - a golden retriever - I named him "Rusty" - what a present that was! Right now all Miles can think about is turning 5 ... Maybe Miles will remember all the "walks in the woods" that we try to take on Sunday's - whether he wants to or not sometimes I suspect - I don't care - we get to spend time just looking at things together and that's good for us. I wonder what the kids will remember from growing up....?

Cake Face - Remember when eating was fun?

Enjoying Grandpa Jim's Birthday cake

Cake and ice cream - every kid's favorite and adults too.... Only the kids have more fun eating it I suspect. Wouldn't it be fun to wear a bib and smear chocolate cake all over your face and say "cheese" for the camera? Maybe I'll get the chance to do that again someday (a long time from now if I'm lucky) - hopefully my kids will think it's as cute as I thought it was on them!

A kiss from Grandpa Jim

Grandpa Jim and Kate

Amanda and Jordan - Visiting for Grandpa Jim's Birthday

I'm worried about Amanda and Jordan's wedding planning - they asked if Miles wanted to be the ring bearer. He said something like " so I can throw the ring to Jordan ?? " We're going to have to practice a little on this I think....

Miles - Foot gloves and Spiderman

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Kate with one eye focused

Kate with plastic Snoopy toy

Monday, February 21, 2005

No new coat for Miles

Well... In a strange turn of events, no new coat for Miles was found. Lisa and he went shopping but couldn't find an acceptable fit. So it's on with the old one - his favorite anyway. At least by going along with Lisa, he figured out that there really isn't a better one out there (at least where they were shopping!) and he'll just have to make due with what he's got. A good lesson I guess - he's lucky to have a good coat anyway. Ah well.

Tonight when I got home from work I was greeted with two cheery hellos and an immediate "hut, hut, HIKE!" Miles and Kate both wanted to play football - so we all practiced our football stances and chased each other around the house for touchdowns. For some reason the "touchdown" can only be accomplished by one complete revolution around the dining room table and a tickle tackle on the rug. I don't care - It's a blast chasing each other around the house. Kate's got a mean look when she gets down in her stance - she got the advantage on both Miles and I because she can get down so low. She's a good open living room tackler too. Love 'em both to no end!

Saturday, February 19, 2005

New coat for Miles

Well, today Lisa caved... Miles has been fighting us about wearing his new winter coat. Yeah, so it's a little big on him - he'll grow into it. But the coat thing has become a big hassle each time we have to go somewhere. The zipper goes up too high... the coat's too bulky (Miles claims he can't move his arms - and then he proceeds to "prove it" - stinker!) So to bring back some bliss to the family - we caved. He's picking out a new coat that will fit better... and so it goes. I can't wait until spring - then we'll just be arguing over boots and mud tracked into the kitchen.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

I want a shoulder ride Dad

Out for a walk in the woods. We had to get out and get some fresh air - so a walk down to the woods where we sometimes bike sounded like a good idea. Miles was a pretty good trooper, but towards the end he ran out of gas and a piggy back ride on my shoulders made the trip back to the car more enjoyable.

Are we there yet?

Tenacious little guys

Walk in the Woods

Ready to go.

Don't fall down - it wouldn't matter

The proportions here are all off - you just shouldn't be more wide than you are tall.
Anything for warmth I guess.

Bundle UP !

We're all grumpy - time to get outside and run around. Lisa tried out the "new" snowsuit which is - let's say - a little big and fluffy for Kate -

That's my big brother!

Kate realizes (I think) that Miles was little like her too. Not sure about this one though. She grabs this picture and starts saying "miles" in her "kate speak" which sounds more like Miles without the "s" and the "l" is more like a "y"... She's still working on the name...


Nothing more to say about this. She's a keeper.

Kate smiles

Just hanging out.

Sunday, February 06, 2005


Football ! This year the game was better than the commercials. Miles and Kate ran around the living room. Both of them played football - practicing their "hut, hut, hike!" Miles has a pretty good football stance and Kate's working on her stance too.

Miles watches the Superbowl

We watched the superbowl this year.... at least a Miles did. He's really into the jersey thing - that's his favorite shirt - we can't seem to get him to wear anything else. The funny thing is that neither Lisa or I are really into sports. We just don't have an interest in it... but Miles can't seem to get enough of it.... Where did he get the "sports gene" ?

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Smiles from Miles

Miles smiles for Dad

I was surprised (pleasantly) by how perceptive Miles is about our "family". I've been stressed out a lot lately by work stuff - been grumpy around the house and generally probably not a lot of fun to be around. So, one morning last week, just out of the blue, Miles sat down at his table pulled out his stamps and some scrap paper I had brought home and began scribbling and stamping away. I was in a rush (as usual - already thinking about work) and he asked me for his scissors and I just wanted him to sit down for breakfast.... So I eventually got his "kid" scissors in hopes that he would finish his project and sit with me... I was surprised when he came into the kitchen and gave me this slip of paper with smiley faces on it cut out from his scribbles. He said "Daddy - I made this for you so you'll be happy today - OK?" I carry it in my billfold now and lately, I look at it everyday at least a couple of times when I need that attitude adjustment. It works every time. He's got one for Mom also. What a kid - of course! I love him.

My Smilies from Miles

Miles makes dog food for Groucho

Kate loves the Play-Doh

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Playdoh time