Monday, March 27, 2006


Dinner, originally uploaded by Matt Niebuhr.

Kate gets dinner ready - chicken soup and an apple pie (I hope).

She's having a blast with the kitchen stove Grandpa Marv made for her this Christmas - Oh yeah... the stereotypical roles are played out here and it begins at the tender age of two... but I'm sure that its harmless.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Doing the Goose Walk

, originally uploaded by Matt Niebuhr.

Kate, Miles, Lisa and I walked down to the Glendale cemetery to the pond to feed the ducks / geese on Saturday... Kate really got into feeding them... and walking like them...

After we got home, washed our hands and took off our shoes, I began to wonder if someday we'll be afraid to do this for fear of the bird-flu...

Scary to think about and didn't dawn on me or Lisa until way later in the day just how very real and dangerous and potentially small the world is becoming.... Perhaps I see this more clearly now that I realize that the world is not for me alone to inhabit....