Sunday, January 30, 2005

Fashion Trendy Tech (but cool)

Trendy Tech

Ok - So this weekend - Saturday to be precise - I succumbed to the fashion trendy tech market brand named Apple - and bought myself (and my family of course) a piece of gadget history. We now join the iPod crowd. I've been using iTunes for almost a year now and it's a natural extension right? Our old Sony "bookcase" stereo (purchased back in '92) won't play CD's anymore and in fact was only good for a radio...our DVD / VCR player died playing DVD's...So we upgraded to a "Digital Home Theater" system - and now that we have our entire music collection digital anyway... we can listen to anything we have at the click of the magic "click-wheel" on the pod... Miles and Kate, Lisa and I are enjoying Nemo again... and dancing around the living room like fools... It's good to be a kid.

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